My sister Elizabeth requested I draw this. The story behind it... I took my daughter to see some cows. When we where walking away a cow took a mouth-full of my daughters blond hair and she started screaming. When I noticed my first reaction was to punch the cow to get it to release my daughters hair... it worked! But I did feel sorry for punching a cow. It is of course over exaggerated in the drawing. Have a great Tuesday
hahahahahahahahahahah.... you punched a cow? that is so awesome that that was your first reaction... aw man, thanks for this one... im cracking up...
This was such a funny story. Did the cow take a lot of Josie's hair? Poor thing. This is an awesome and very funny picture. I love it.
*LOL* There's something little heroic and utterly comical about this story :)
This is one of those bizarre instincts you develop when you become a parent. Hostility to cows.
I can't believe you punched a cow!? It just goes to show that you'll do what you gotta do
haha i would of done the same thing probably... i wonder what peta would say about this though haha
Marcus, your style is kind of a mix between vibrant cartoonish exuberance and graffiti art. Me likey!
I hope I get that burger...I like pre-tenderized beef.
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