I guess the guard thought maybe the others would not notice his new kicks... Maybe he just got them and liked them so much he just had to wear them... whatever the reason he so did wear them... what an absurd guard... and a silly doodle. Have a great Friday
PS. Did I mention it was Friday?
Id wear those to work
hahaha... cooles guard of all times...i hope he didnt get fired... LOVE THE DOODLE!
Man, those guys are always so still and never slacking off, so this picture is pretty funny. If I saw this when I was in England, I would have wet myself from laughing so hard. Great picture Marcus.
Tooo funny. I love it. His expression and the expression on the other guard's face are so great. AND I'd like a pair of those shoes too.
He looks like such a friendly guard. I'm sure the other guard is jealous.
haha the faces look like they were smashed by their big hats...
Ha ha ha...very creative! I love it! You should have used this for one of your adds when you were selling shoes!
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