Woot Woot! I finished the super-doodle. no more rick-rolling. After staying at a pirate themed vacation house for almost a week I wanted to do a cool pirate ship picture. Next month I will be printing 25 of these and giving one to the nice man who invited my family to stay at his vacation house. The other 24 I will be selling, I will put a link when I do. E-mail me if any of you are interested. :) have a great Thursday!
This is the best one yet! All that time was definitely worth it!
FAVORITE YET... love the guy riding the shark. los HARD PIRATE PARTYING!
This is your best doodle yet!! AWESOMENSS
I love love love it! You did a great job!
Wow! Rawr! Rawr! (because I guess that is what a shark says)
that's sweet! now put up real pics of the pirate house on your blog
Poor ninja hanging off the back! haha I love this one though! very pretty- If I have money ill buy it when your selling them!
freakin SWEEEEET!
pirates, argh. you are a tough captain
WOW this one is flipping good bro. it oozes awesome sause, and it looks so high def. good job. and the rick roll idea was really funny. my favorite is the guy laying in the hammock connected to the dead ninja. good job bro, keep it up!
amazing art, love the color scheme
Wow this one is amazing! I love all the small details when u click it and make it bigger! I will buy one of these!
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